Outlook Mail Setup

Non SSL email settings

  • Incoming Server: mail.example.com
  • Outgoing Server: mail.example.com
  • Username: Your full e-mail address
  • Password: Your e-mail account password
  • Incoming Port: POP3 110 or IMAP 143
  • Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) Port: 587
  • SSL: NO
  • SMTP Authentication Required
  • Secure Authentication or SPA needs to be turned off


SSL email settings

  • Incoming Server: mail.example.com
  • Outgoing Server: mail.example.com
  • Username: Your full e-mail address
  • Password: Your e-mail account password
  • Incoming Port: POP3 995 or IMAP 993
  • Outgoing Mail server (SMTP) Port: 465
  • SSL: YES
  • SMTP Authentication Required
  • Secure Authentication or SPA needs to be turned off